In order to make a plugin,
create a new class library in your IDE (this should be easy to figure out using the GUI)
The target framework must be compatible with .NET Framwork 3.5 (this is compatible with Unity)
(example code can be found below)
Once you compile the project, you'll find it's dll file in a directory like bin/debug/ This is the file you can drop in the Plugins folder of the Application.
Understanding class libraries
LyokoAPI comes in the form of a class library.
A class library is essentially a bunch of code that doesn't execute on it's own.
Thus, it can't be used by itself.
For C#, a library is compiled into a .dll file.
Fun fact: Windows uses dll's as well for its own use!In theory, you can use the dll's in other .NET languages like VB.NETYour Plugin must also be a class library
We recommend using the Early Access Program of JetBrains' Rider.
It's a renewable trial (lasts about a month), so it's essentially free.
To add a reference in Rider:
(Right click project) -> add reference -> add from.. -> select LyokoAPI.dll
Writing your plugin
There are of course, many ways to write a plugin,
but here is a 'template' that you can take inspiration from. See Plugin Introduction for more in-depth info.
Main class
Only ONE class per plugin should extend LyokoAPIPlugin.
public class MyPlugin : LyokoAPIPlugin //Extend the LyokoAPIPlugin class
public override Name {get;} = "ExamplePlugin"; //set the name of the plugin
public override Author {get;} = "Noob"; //set the author of the plugin
protected override bool OnEnable()
MyListener.StartListening(); //Starting to listen to events in the OnEnable() is recommended
return true; //nothing went wrong, so we return true to show the plugin has been enabled properly
protected override bool OnDisable()
MyListener.StartListening() //Definitely stop listening to events OnDisable(), since code will still be run if you dont.
return true; //disabled succesfully, returning true.
* This method is run when a gamesession starts in the Application (if it has game sessions.)
public override void OnGameStart(bool storyMode)
MyListener.StopListening() //if your listners somehow break immersion, do this.
public override void OnGameEnd(bool failed)
Sound sound; //fictional sound class, as an example
if (failed) //if the player has lost the game
sound = Sounds.EPICFAIL;
LyokoLogger.Log(Name, "Lol you failed you epic loser"); //this will appear in the log as "[ExamplePlugin] Lol you failed you epic loser"
sound = Sounds.YAAY;
MyListener.StartListening() //start listening because we stopped in OnGameEnd
Listener class
You dont need a seperate Listener class, but it looks clean and it's what we usually use internally.
public static class Listener
private static bool _listening = false;
* These variables are needed to unregister events later.
* We dont really recommmend this in this situation
private static var onTowerdeactivation;
private static var onXanaAwaken;
private static var onHijack;
public static void StartListening()
if(_listening)) { return;} //dont do anything if we're already listening
TowerActivationEvent.Subscribe(OnTowerActivation); //Give the method name without '()'.
XanaDefeatEvent.Subscribe(DoAThing); //the name of the method doesn't matter as long as the return value and parameters are the same
TowerDeactivationEvent.Subscribe(tower => KeyboardRGB.ResetColor()) //single statement lambda with one parameter
XanaAwakenEvent.Subscribe(() => SoundPlayer.PlaySound(Sounds.BeethovensFifth)) //single statement lambda with no parameters
TowerHijackEvent.Subscribe((tower, oldactivator, newactivator) => //multi statement lambda with 3 parameters
OnTowerActivation(tower); //you can re-use methods if you want, they're still methods.
_listening = true;
public static void StopListening()
if (!_listening) {return;} //dont stop listening if we've already stopped (unregistering events that haven't been registered is harmless though)
* these unregister the listeners by using the delegate returned by Subscribe()
private static void OnTowerActivation(ITower tower)
Color color; //fictional color class
case APIActivator.XANA: color = Color.RED; break;
case APIActivator.JEREMIE : color = Color.GREEN; break;
case APIActivator.HOPPER : color = Color.WHITE; break;
KeyboardRGB.SetColor(color); //fictional KeyboardRGB class
private static void DoAThing()
LyokoLogger.Log("ExamplePlugin","I did a thing!");