
This class is an implementation of ITower


Identical to ITower with the following differences:

  • Activator has a public setter

  • Activated returns true if the Activator isn't NONE


This class has two constructors:

APITower(int number, ISector sector);

This implies that the APITower belongs to an existing ISector.

APITower(string vworld, string sector, int number);

This not only creates a new APITower, but it also creates a new ISector with a new IVirtualWorld. This means that the towers' VirtualWorld contains one sector, and that sector contains this tower.


This class has it's own Equals method. However, it does not change the hash, so in a Hashmap or something similar, it will not follow the rules of Equals().

An object is equal to 'this' APITower if these conditions are all true:

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